You need to make runs for food supplies, ammo drops, medicine, and more. There are various types of missions in the Zone that give you different benefits. Most of the decisions you make will have certain consequences and affect who and what you have later in the game and during the final heist so think long and hard about who or what is hot or not. If you don’t make sure to eat or run off to fight Black Stalker, Madness will grow, lower your Psyche, and eventually block your maximum HP value. N addition, the new game mode introduces a new stat: Madness. Just remember that everything has its price it might be better to put that itchy trigger finger away and stick to stealth tactics instead. There’s also a physical cost since you use ammo for shooting and resources to craft salts that will calm your mind. There’s a psychological cost to killing since the more you kill, the more your psyche is damaged and becomes a burden. You always need to keep in mind cost vs reward.

You need to exercise patience and think hard when planning your next move.Ĭhernobylite isn’t meant to be played as a typical shooter-especially in Gate of Madness mode. If you want your mission to be successful, you need to keep your wits about you getting easily provoked means getting easily killed. It will permanently lower your psyche level. You need more experience points to level up.Weapons can now be damaged and need to be repaired.Every time you sleep at the base, your radiation level will somewhat increase.No more recovering weapons from soldiers’ bodies.If you don’t have enough Chernobylite at the moment of your death, you will die permanently.Although Gate of Madness goes further than insane difficulty, it doesn’t need to drive you crazy, so we’ve got some handy tips that will not only help you survive this radioactive hell, but also help you stay in control.