Launching this podcast API is very meaningful for Spotify right now as we continue to delve deeper into creating value in new ways for listeners with podcasting. Why we’re especially excited about this podcast API This monitoring can trigger alerts and page a team member on PagerDuty in the event of an outage or degraded service, providing enhanced ability to scale for our partners. Before sharing a new API with external partners, the API team sets up monitoring for their service using Grafana and Lightstep. The Web APIs are consumed by millions of users every day, in a diverse range of apps and hardware use cases.

The team has to carefully consider which fields belong in the simplified payload and which fields can be exclusive to the episode object. For example, our new API endpoints can provide an episode object or a simplified episode object depending on the situation.

The team had many competing factors to consider:
#Spotify for podcaster code#
Sharing API documentation in advance of writing code is an effective way to gather feedback quickly from partners and internal stakeholders. While improving our podcast API, the team created a proposal that documented the design of their new endpoints. Spotify’s Web API team creates and manages the API design patterns that we use in our consumer web APIs. These features enabled podcasts to appear in, our web interface for Spotify users. The first features included the ability to list episodes and shows in a library, and the ability for apps to read podcast metadata: information about the shows and episodes in the Spotify catalog. This was the case for our podcast APIs, which debuted in 2015 with a small feature set. Web APIs at Spotify commonly begin as an internal-only product, available for engineers to use in Hack Week projects and Spotify-developed apps. The SDK team selectively releases developer functionality based on feedback from internal engineering teams and members of the developer community.
#Spotify for podcaster android#
Spotify doesn’t offer public Web APIs for all the features that you see in our iOS and Android apps. In this blog post, we’ll shed some light on the process of designing and building a new Web API for the Spotify developer community. Launching a new API at Spotify is an iterative process and the Web API team had many considerations to think about when building the new podcast endpoints. We’re excited to see the apps and mashups that developers will build using this new functionality. This means that our new API is now open to third-party developers! Third-party apps can now connect to Spotify and manage a user’s podcast library, search our podcast catalog, or fetch detailed information about podcast shows and episodes. That said I do have some issues with how podcasts are organized, and especially from a cross platform pov (for example my major gripe is.This week, we launched our podcasts API. (Of course I'd probably be pissed off if they started to put in audio adverts for podcasts as I have premium and would probably leave the service if that happened) Most of the complaining about podcasts that I've seen is based on their recommendations I believe? which I have a tendancy to treat everything on the main/home of spotify as advertisements so I barely even look at them, and instead click on library -> podcast or library -> playlists / songs directly. I use it for podcasts daily and I like it over apple music because of the same reason (music and podcasts on one app) (though this is also probably because I'm on android and use spotify connect a lot with my computer + android)